Doodles Ave

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Let’s Tweet About Birds: Fun Facts for Kids! + A Simple Handmade Bird Craft

Hey there, fellow bird lovers! 🐦 Are you ready to spread your wings and explore the amazing world of birds? Birds are super fascinating creatures with feathers, beaks, and some pretty awesome abilities. Today, we’re going to dive into some fun bird facts that will make you chirp with excitement!

Fact #1: Birds Come in All Shapes and Sizes
Did you know that there are over 10,000 different types of birds all around the world? That’s a whole bunch of feathered buddies! From the teeny-tiny hummingbird, which is smaller than your hand, to the mighty ostrich, which is taller than most adults, birds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. And guess what? Some birds can even dive underwater to catch fish, like the puffin or the penguin!

Fact #2: Birds Are Amazing Singers
Have you ever woken up in the morning to the sweet sound of birds chirping outside your window? Those beautiful tunes are like nature’s very own concerts! Birds use their songs to talk to each other, attract mates, and protect their turf. Some birds, like the mockingbird, can copy the sounds of other birds and even mimic car alarms or cellphone ringtones!

Fact #3: Birds Are Expert Builders
When it comes to building homes, birds are like the ultimate architects! They use twigs, leaves, mud, and even spiderwebs to create their nests. Each bird species has its own unique style of nest-building. For example, the bald eagle constructs massive nests high up in trees, while the weaver bird weaves intricate nests out of grass and twigs that hang from branches like little baskets.

Fact #4: Birds Have Incredible Eyesight
Have you ever wondered how birds manage to spot worms or insects from way up in the sky? It’s because they have super sharp eyesight! Some birds, like hawks and eagles, can spot their prey from miles away. And guess what’s even more amazing? Owls can actually rotate their heads almost all the way around! This helps them see in every direction without having to move their bodies.

Fact #5: Birds Are Adventurers
Birds are some of the world’s greatest adventurers! Every year, millions of birds embark on incredible journeys called migrations. They fly thousands of miles in search of warmer weather, better food, or places to raise their little ones. The Arctic tern even holds the record for the longest migration of any animal, flying from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again every single year!

So there you have it, pals! Birds are absolutely incredible creatures that have so much to teach us about the world. Next time you spot a bird outside your window, take a moment to admire its beauty and all the amazing things it can do. Who knows, you might even start seeing the world from a bird’s-eye view! 🌟🐦

To celebrate our feathered friends, I put together this simple craft template.

Foldable Bird Paper Craft Template 

Supply List: 
Construction paper (options)

1. Print and cut out all parts of the template.
2. Use markers or crayons to color each of the pieces.
3. Fold the circles marked as feathers down the middle along the solid line.
(The line should be facing down)
4. Now for the assembly, stack the feather pieces from bottom to top leaving atleast a quarter of an inch of overlap space to create the feathered look. See the diy video for instructions.
5. Glue the beak and eye onto the head.
6. Then glue the head onto the top-left of the feathers.
7. Once completely dry, it’s ready to display on your wall, bulletin board, refrigerator, or wherever you please.

Click here to download the Foldable Bird Paper Craft Template.  Happy crafting!

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Summer Writing Prompt Activities

50 Writing Prompts Celebrating Summer*

doodles-ave-summer-writing-promptSummer is finally here…let’s get writing.

In these 50 new journal prompts, kids will consider their favorite summer activities and their ideal summer days. They’ll think about the feelings they get on the day before school starts and the fun they had during summer’s first week.

1. Where is your favorite place to go during the summer?

2. Write about your ideal summer day. What does it include?

3. What is your favorite family summer tradition?

4. Choose five words to describe your summer. Why does each word fit your experience?

5. Plan a “stay-cation” for the last week of summer. What will you do?

6. Did you spend much time with friends this summer? What did you do together?

7. What is the best way to celebrate the end of summer?

8. What is your favorite summer memory?

9. How did you spend most of your summer?

10. Do you get to stay up late during the summer? What do you do with the extra time?

11. Have you ever gone to a summer camp? What was it like? If you haven’t been to a summer camp, write a fictional story about your ideal experience.

12. How do you prepare to go back to school?

13. What are you most excited to do when school starts?

14. How did you spend the Fourth of July?

15. How do you feel when summer ends?

16. What did you do on the first day of summer?

17. What would you do if summer lasted all year long?

18. Write a poem describing the last day of summer.

19. Have you ever had a summer job or done something to make money during the summer? Write about your experience or brainstorm money-making vacation ideas.

20. What are the best summer activities in our city?

21. How many times did you go swimming this summer? Write about your favorite memory at the pool.

22. Plan a different fun thing to do for each day of the last week of summer, and write about your experiences at the end of each day.

23. Write a story about your summer. Include your favorite memories and lots of descriptions.

24. How did this summer compare to other summers?

25. Did you go on vacation this summer? Where did you go? What did you do?

26. What is your favorite thing to do outside during the summer?

27. What are the key ingredients of a memorable summer?

28. How are the beginning and the end of summer different from one another?

29. How would school vacations be different if they took place during the winter instead of the summer?

30. How will you spend the rest of summer?

31. What do you feel on the night before school starts?

32. Think of three fun summer activities. Can you do any of them before the school year starts?

33. If you could spend a summer anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

34. What is your favorite summer holiday?

35. Does your family have any special rules during the summer?

36. What do you like to do on the last day of summer?

37. Are you looking forward to going back to school?

38. Write a poem that celebrates summer.

39. What is your favorite summer treat?

40. Is it better to be inside or outside during the summer?

41. Write a letter to a family member describing your summer. Don’t forget to ask what he or she did!

42. What are some special things to do during the summer?

43. What is the best part of summer?

44. Should teachers assign summer homework? Why or why not?

45. How do you know when summer has arrived?

46. What is the most exciting thing you did all summer?

47. What does it feel like when summer starts to end?

48. Which summer month is best? Why?

49. Did you keep a journal this summer? Why or why not? If so, did it help you remember your favorite events?

50. Write about summer using all five senses to describe the way you feel during the season.

Click the above image to download the template. Enjoy! 


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Finding Dory

Finding Dory is almost here!

The animated film reunites the friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the true meaning of family along the way. Boys and girls ages 3 to 7 will love this beautifully illustrated hardcover Big Golden Book that’s based on the film.

Click the links below to download the doodle coloring sheets.

Finding Dory Characters
Marlon and Dory
Mr. Ray



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Beach Fun -Coloring Sheet and Craft

One of my favorite activities as a kid was to play in the sand on the beach. Enjoy my Beach Sand Bucket Coloring Sheet!

Another Cool Summer Craft-Activity is the Sandy Hand Mosaic.

Total Time Needed:
2-3 Hours

On your next trip to the shore, add plaster of paris to your beach bag so that your kids can preserve their sandy treasures in a handy display.

  • Beach treasures, such as shells, rocks, and sea glass (no seaweed)
  • 1 1/2 cups plaster of paris in a quart-size resealable bag
  • Water (salt water or fresh water)
  • Chopstick
  • Wood (we used driftwood)
  • Drill
  • Wood glue
  1. Sandy Hand Mosaic: Step 1 Have your child press his hand into damp, hard-packed sand, making a 2-inch-deep impression.
  2. Sandy Hand Mosaic: Step 2 Line the handprint with treasures, taking care to set them lightly without pressing them too deeply into the sand.
  3. Sandy Hand Mosaic: Step 3 Add 1 cup of water to the bag of plaster of paris. Seal the bag and knead it to combine the two. Carefully pour the wet plaster into the palm of the handprint, covering the inlaid items.
  4. Sandy Hand Mosaic: Step 4 Use a chopstick to push the plaster into the fingers and thumb. Add more plaster to the palm as needed.
  5. Sandy Hand Mosaic: Step 5 Set the chopstick in place with 2 inches of one end submerged in the plaster.
  6. Sandy Hand Mosaic: Step 6 Let the plaster set until it’s hard, at least 30 minutes. To remove the hand, carefully dig out the sand from around the plaster, then slowly lift the hand up by the chopstick handle. Wrap your project in a towel to transport it. For a tabletop display, drill a hole 2 inches deep and a little wider than your chopstick into a piece of wood. Insert the chopstick handle, and secure it with wood glue, if needed.
