Doodles Ave

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Let’s Tweet About Birds: Fun Facts for Kids! + A Simple Handmade Bird Craft

Hey there, fellow bird lovers! 🐦 Are you ready to spread your wings and explore the amazing world of birds? Birds are super fascinating creatures with feathers, beaks, and some pretty awesome abilities. Today, we’re going to dive into some fun bird facts that will make you chirp with excitement!

Fact #1: Birds Come in All Shapes and Sizes
Did you know that there are over 10,000 different types of birds all around the world? That’s a whole bunch of feathered buddies! From the teeny-tiny hummingbird, which is smaller than your hand, to the mighty ostrich, which is taller than most adults, birds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. And guess what? Some birds can even dive underwater to catch fish, like the puffin or the penguin!

Fact #2: Birds Are Amazing Singers
Have you ever woken up in the morning to the sweet sound of birds chirping outside your window? Those beautiful tunes are like nature’s very own concerts! Birds use their songs to talk to each other, attract mates, and protect their turf. Some birds, like the mockingbird, can copy the sounds of other birds and even mimic car alarms or cellphone ringtones!

Fact #3: Birds Are Expert Builders
When it comes to building homes, birds are like the ultimate architects! They use twigs, leaves, mud, and even spiderwebs to create their nests. Each bird species has its own unique style of nest-building. For example, the bald eagle constructs massive nests high up in trees, while the weaver bird weaves intricate nests out of grass and twigs that hang from branches like little baskets.

Fact #4: Birds Have Incredible Eyesight
Have you ever wondered how birds manage to spot worms or insects from way up in the sky? It’s because they have super sharp eyesight! Some birds, like hawks and eagles, can spot their prey from miles away. And guess what’s even more amazing? Owls can actually rotate their heads almost all the way around! This helps them see in every direction without having to move their bodies.

Fact #5: Birds Are Adventurers
Birds are some of the world’s greatest adventurers! Every year, millions of birds embark on incredible journeys called migrations. They fly thousands of miles in search of warmer weather, better food, or places to raise their little ones. The Arctic tern even holds the record for the longest migration of any animal, flying from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again every single year!

So there you have it, pals! Birds are absolutely incredible creatures that have so much to teach us about the world. Next time you spot a bird outside your window, take a moment to admire its beauty and all the amazing things it can do. Who knows, you might even start seeing the world from a bird’s-eye view! 🌟🐦

To celebrate our feathered friends, I put together this simple craft template.

Foldable Bird Paper Craft Template 

Supply List: 
Construction paper (options)

1. Print and cut out all parts of the template.
2. Use markers or crayons to color each of the pieces.
3. Fold the circles marked as feathers down the middle along the solid line.
(The line should be facing down)
4. Now for the assembly, stack the feather pieces from bottom to top leaving atleast a quarter of an inch of overlap space to create the feathered look. See the diy video for instructions.
5. Glue the beak and eye onto the head.
6. Then glue the head onto the top-left of the feathers.
7. Once completely dry, it’s ready to display on your wall, bulletin board, refrigerator, or wherever you please.

Click here to download the Foldable Bird Paper Craft Template.  Happy crafting!

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Free Printable Christmas Gift Certificate Colorable Holiday Gift Certificate Template 

Gift Certificate -- Merry Christmas

For pint sized gift givers handmade presents are the most accessible and they are fun to create and share. They are also considerably meaningful for the following reasons:

  • Personal Touch: Handmade gifts show that you’ve put thought, time, and effort into creating something unique for the recipient. This personal touch can make the gift feel more special and appreciated.
  • Customization: When you make a gift by hand, you have the opportunity to tailor it specifically to the recipient’s tastes, preferences, and needs. This level of customization is hard to achieve with store-bought gifts.
  • Uniqueness: Handmade gifts are one-of-a-kind. They are not mass-produced, so the recipient is less likely to receive the same gift from someone else. This uniqueness can make the gift stand out and be cherished.
  • Creativity: Crafting a handmade gift allows you to express your creativity and artistic skills. This can make the gift more interesting and visually appealing.
  • Emotional Connection: Handmade gifts often carry sentimental value. They can evoke emotions and memories because they are a reflection of the time and effort you’ve invested in the relationship with the recipient.
  • Sustainability: Handmade gifts can be more environmentally friendly than store-bought ones. You have control over the materials you use, which can lead to choices that are more sustainable and eco-friendly.
  • Cost-Effective: In many cases, making a gift by hand can be more budget-friendly than purchasing a high-end item. This allows you to give a thoughtful gift without breaking the bank.
  • Skill Development: Creating handmade gifts can be a fulfilling hobby that allows you to learn new skills and improve existing ones. It’s an opportunity for personal growth and development.
  • Appreciation: Recipients of handmade gifts often appreciate the time and effort that went into making the gift. They recognize that you’ve invested something of yourself into the present.
  • Memorable: Handmade gifts tend to be memorable and can leave a lasting impression. People often remember the unique and heartfelt gifts they’ve received for a long time.

Ultimately, the thought and effort you put into any gift are what makes it special. Download the free printable christmas gift certificates to help your students make gifts for one another, their families, and friends.

Looking for more Christmas activities? I can help with that. Click to view the Doodles Ave Christmas Bundle that includes 10 activities.

Seasons greetings and happy coloring!

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Cut and Glue Gingerbread Activity Gingerbread House Coloring Page

Cut and Glue. What's missing from the gingerbread picture? Cut and glue the images on the right.

Home has never been this sweet. Who can resist a creative Christmas activity that looks as fun as it does sweet? Your students or kiddos will love this craft…cutting, glueing, and coloring. While working on this engaging activity, share the following fascinating facts about the origins of gingerbread houses.

Gingerbread houses have an interesting history. Here are some unique facts associated with them:

  • Origins in Fairy Tales: The concept of gingerbread houses is popularized by the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, “Hansel and Gretel.” In the story, the wicked witch lives in a house made of gingerbread and sweets to lure children.
  • Ancient Roots: While gingerbread as a concept dates back over a thousand years, the idea of making decorative gingerbread houses became popular in Germany during the 16th century.
  • Queen Elizabeth I’s Tradition: In England, Queen Elizabeth I is credited with creating the idea of decorating gingerbread cookies and houses as a Christmas tradition.
  • Pepparkakshus in Sweden: In Sweden, gingerbread houses are known as “pepparkakshus.” These are often very intricately designed and have been a part of Swedish Christmas celebrations for centuries.
  • The White House Gingerbread House: The White House in the United States has a long-standing tradition of creating a massive gingerbread house during the holiday season. These houses are usually quite large and detailed, featuring edible replicas of the White House.
  • World Records: There are Guinness World Records for the largest gingerbread house ever made. The record often changes hands as different organizations and communities attempt to build increasingly enormous gingerbread houses.
  • Edible Decorations: Gingerbread houses are typically decorated with various candies, icing, and edible decorations. These can range from simple gumdrops and candy canes to more elaborate designs using chocolates, marshmallows, and even pretzels.
  • Structural Challenges: Building a gingerbread house that can stand up on its own can be quite challenging due to the brittle nature of gingerbread. Some enthusiasts use edible “glue” like royal icing to reinforce the structure.
  • Gingerbread Competitions: Gingerbread house-making competitions are held in many places during the holiday season. These contests often bring out the creativity of participants, resulting in impressive and imaginative gingerbread creations.
  • Gingerbread House Festivals: Some towns and cities host gingerbread house festivals where people can display their creations. These festivals often attract visitors who come to admire the artistry and craftsmanship of the gingerbread houses.
  • Preservation: Gingerbread houses can last for weeks or even months if kept in a dry environment. They are often treated as both decorations and edible treats, making them a delightful holiday tradition.
  • Gingerbread House Kits: Many stores sell gingerbread house kits that come with pre-baked gingerbread pieces and decorations. These kits make it easier for people to create their own gingerbread houses at home.

Gingerbread houses have evolved from fairy tales to become a beloved holiday tradition enjoyed by people around the world, and their elaborate designs and structures continue to capture the imaginations of both children and adults during the holiday season.

This list of interesting gingerbread house facts not only made me reminisce about my many attempts of building my own, but it also inspired this fun gingerbread project idea. Use my gingerbread activity in the class or at home to create some creative holiday delight.

Download this fun Gingerbread Activity.

Love this cut and glue activity? You’re in luck, there’s more. Check out this Cut and Glue Craft Activity Bundle with 25 activities.

Looking for more Christmas activities? I have that too. Click here to discover my 10 activity Christmas Bundle.

Happy creating!

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12 Days of Christmas Coloring Fun-Day 3


On the third day: three paper sack craft templates

Click the images to download the templates.

What you’ll need:
1. Glue
2. Scissors
3. Colors and/or markers
4. Paper sack (brown or white)
5. Brads (optional for snowman’s arm movement)
6. Hole punch (optional for snowman’s arm movement)

How to make these:
1. Color the elements.
2. Cut the elements out.
3. Glue them to the sack.
4. Now you’re done!

Stay tuned for day four. 